
  • What is the difference between Sanctuary and other yoga studios?
    Sanctuary on the Chagrin is a boutique-style yoga & wellness studio. Our mission is to give every student a personal experience in an intimate setting. Often times, the idea of trying a new form of exercise, like yoga, can feel daunting, especially when there are upwards of 30+ students in a class. Whether you have felt like an outsider, overwhelmed, or lost, YOU are welcome at Sanctuary. We want every yogi to feel seen, so our classes max out at 15 students. This gives us all the opportunity to connect with each other and focus on our yoga practice together.

    Our hot classes are heated with Heating Green radiant panels, which offer an unparalleled experience in comparison to forced air. We are located in the charming historic village of Gates Mills on the Chagrin River in the Old Livery Tavern.

  • What style of yoga does Sanctuary offer?

    We offer something for every yogi at Sanctuary. Whether you’re brand new to yoga or have been practicing for decades, you will find a class that fits your style and schedule. We specialize in Vinyasa style yoga. Vinyasa, sometimes referred to as “flow”, means linking breath to movement, offering a dynamic sequence of flowing poses that has become exceedingly popular. Every 200+ hour registered teacher at Sanctuary is unique, offering + incorporating other styles of yoga (such as Hatha and Yin) into vinyasa classes as well. Think of Sanctuary as a hybrid yoga studio, specializing in vinyasa.

  • What are radiant heat panels?

    Radiant heat, simply put, is the transfer of heat from a warm object to a cooler object. The heat is a product of a completely safe spectrum of light that is invisible to our eyes. Just as the sun heats us, radiant panels emit sun-like warmth to our studio space and bodies. As well as being virtually silent, they do not require ducts, filters, fuels or pumps that demand seasonal cleaning or maintenance. This type of heat makes it much easier to breathe in comparison to forced heat, which often leaves your mouth feeling dry and thirsty.

    • Reduces dust/emissions – Unlike forced air heating systems, infrared radiant heat panels do not blow dust or allergens. They do not release any emissions, chemicals or pollutants and help keep the studio air clean and clear.

    • Therapeutic relief – All of us have experienced the soothing feeling of the warm summer sun on our skin. Radiant heaters, like the sun, produce heat waves which work to heat up water. Because the human body is made up of mostly water, the infrared heat transfer is extremely effective and can help gently increase blood circulation, rid the body of toxins and even provide pain relief, thus making it the perfect accessory to our yoga practice. This form of heat also warms our bodies from the inside out, rather than the outside in.

  • Is hot yoga “better” than “regular” yoga?

    It’s all a matter of preference. In short, we know that sweating reduces toxins. In addition to detoxifying the body through sweat, radiant heat slowly warms our muscles, increasing flexibility. Other benefits, as stated above, include weight loss, therapeutic relief, increased blood circulation and pain relief. This is not to say you won’t benefit from non-heated yoga, but the radiant heat enhances our practice. Many students find the heat addictive and euphoric.

  • Is every class heated? How hot is it?

    All of our classes are gently heated at minimum of 75 degrees. As much as we love our hot Power Vinyasa classes, we understand it’s not for everyone. Click the CLASSES tab to view the full menu of classes we offer.

  • I’m new to yoga, how do I prepare for my first class?

    Welcome! Yoga is for everyone and every body. Often times people have a stigmatized impression of what yogi’s look like and how they act. Forget any pre-conceived notions you may have.

    The most important thing to do before AND after every yoga, is hydrate. We all can agree that this is a basic rule of life. We recommend not eating any heavy meals 4 hours prior to class, if possible. Coats, shoes, socks, purses and other belongings will be left safely in our cubby room. Many choose to meditate, relax or read before class and we understand that this can be done on a smart device. We all cell phones are put on silent and placed into a cubby or hidden away before class starts. Please reserve all phone calls for the hallway, cubby room or outside. Come to class with your mat, a water bottle, small towel if taking a heated class and most importantly, an open mind.

    • If you do not currently own a yoga mat, you may rent one of our eco-friendly, natural rubber Jade Yoga mats a for $5 (free for members). We do suggest purchasing your own mat if you are considering a regular practice.

    • All props are provided for you in the studio. Each yogi has the option of practicing with a yoga strap and/or 100% cork GIAM yoga blocks, which are a healthier, sturdier alternative to foam blocks that have been known to contain polyvinyl chloride (or PVC). PVCs are a toxic plastic chemical often found in mats and blocks, due to their gripping agents. At Sanctuary, we do our best to offer eco-friendly and healthy alternatives to benefit our bodies & our planet. Sanctuary is a 100% cruelty-free and vegan business.

    • In efforts to lower our plastic consumption and carbon footprint, we do NOT sell bottled water. We do have a filtered water system for you to fill your reusable water bottle with and biodegradable cups.

  • What should I wear?

    On the surface, this may seem like a superficial question, but it’s actually very important. We want everyone to feel safe, comfortable and supported at Sanctuary, and clothing actually can play a big part in that. If you are worried about your clothes or feel self-conscious, please know you’re not alone. Wear something that you feel emotionally AND physically comfortable in.

    Power Vinyasa is a physical practice where we are moving, twisting, stretching and sweating, and your clothes should allow you to move freely & easily in every direction. While a baggy t-shirt is certainly okay, many people choose to wear sports bras, tank tops, yoga pants and tighter fitting clothing as they are less constricting. A basic example would be that in downward facing dog, an oversized t-shirt or sweatshirt will end up bunching around your face, which can be distracting to your practice. It is very common to see men and women practicing in sports bras or shirtless. This does not mean you have to, but it is perfectly okay to do so. Gym shorts are also acceptable if you feel comfortable.

    In our hot classes, you will be moving vigorously and sweating. Moisture-wicking clothing is especially beneficial, as they offer breathable fabric that moves well with you while wicking sweat away from your body. You do NOT have to buy new clothes for yoga (unless you want to). Chances are you already have clothing that will work for a yoga class and you can always purchase new clothing when you see which classes and styles work best for you. Visit our lifestyle blog to read more about some of our favorite yoga clothes.

    Things to note:

    • Yoga is typically practiced barefoot. This helps build and develop balance as well as gives us a more accurate feel for how our bodies truly move. If you prefer not to be barefoot in class, you are welcome to keep your socks on, but please be mindful that your feet will not grip your mat as well. You can also purchase socks specifically designed for yoga HERE, if you choose.

    • Feel free to wear any accessories, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, that you find beneficial to your yoga practice and exercise! Just make sure to silence your device before class as to not distract others.

    • Jewelry, such as small earrings, dainty necklaces and rings are all okay for yoga class. Bulkier and dangly jewelry can be distracting during your practice, but is also acceptable if you feel comfortable. If you choose to remove your jewelry, it can be placed in your cubby where it will remain safe during your class.

  • How often should I practice?

    We all come to our mats for different, unique reasons and they play a major roll in the frequency of our practice. A healthy practice for vinyasa style yoga is typically between 3-5 times a week, but many yogi’s choose to practice as much as everyday, sometimes twice a day, or as little as once a week. We know that life is hectic and sometimes it can be difficult to find time to fit yoga into your schedule, if you cannot find a class that accommodates yours, please tell us.

    See you on your mat! Namaste.

“when you practice yoga once a week, you change your mind.

when you practice yoga twice a week, you change your body.

when you practice yoga every day, you change your life.”